The Nikitin-Sokolov design would later form the basis of the NSV heavy machine gun. Trials showed the result, the PK ( Pulemyot Kalashnikova "Kalashnikov's machine gun") to be superior to the Nikitin-Sokolov design.
While an initial design by Grigory Nikitin and Yuri Sokolov had produced a candidate for this project in 1958, the PN1, a team from Izhevsk Mechanical Plant headed by Mikhail Kalashnikov produced a competitor in 1960 derived from the gas-operated, rotating-bolt AK action, turned upside-down and using an open bolt for improved cooling and a two-stage belt-feed with non-disintegrating links. The weapon was designed late in a project started in 1955 to replace the ageing Degtyaryov RP-46 and Goryunov SGM as a battalion- and company-level machine gun, as the Soviet military had been impressed by the GPMG concept exemplified by the German MG42. The PK Machine Gun is a Russian belt-fed general-purpose machine gun firing the venerable 7.62x54mmR round.